Silver Knot Ring
Spectacular ring made of 925 silver.
It has a width of approximately 5, leaving a brief window through which a knot of silver threads stands out.
This ring can be personalized with a name and / or phrase of about 18 characters. You must take into account that the spaces count as a character. (Includes numbers, & and?)
Some ideas for phrases:
Your own name
Latin phrases: Amor caecus est (love is blind)
Alea Iacta est (the die is cast)
Carpe diem (live in the moment)
Memento Vivire (remember to live)
Dum Spiro Spero (while I breathe I have hope)
Veni Vidi Vici (I came I saw and I won)
Open your wings
Trust Pussy
There are endless possibilities, including sharing this ring as a symbol of commitment to your partner. Cheer up!
Contact me to arrange elaboration details.